I was minding my own business, coming back from the mailbox when I saw something in the bushes. My heart skipped a beat as I looked closer. "Already?" "There's probably some red on it..." But no. It was a perfectly ripe blackberry. And it had friends.

It is so exciting when there is something new to eat in the garden! Throw in some cukes and tomatoes and a couple tiny wild strawberries, and that's a decent harvest for a woman who only went out to get the mail.

There is a lot going on in the garden right now, so I took some pictures to share with you.

The bell pepper are turning colors (the yellow ones, at least. The red peppers are still stubbornly green, although they are huge).

We have a pumpkin on the vine! Yes, it's in the wild strawberry patch. There is no shame with pumpkins; they go wherever they want, if they're welcome or not.

The corn plants are putting on ears, and here I am forced to apologize to Tim, for saying that corn was a silly thing to grow. "There will never be enough ripe for all eight of us to eat at the same time," I said. At last count we had nine ears.

Here is something fun... I've read about re-growing scallions from the cut off ends one usually throws away, but it has never worked before. If at first you don't succeed... Gardening from garbage. Win!

Look at that! A true survivor.
I picked the last strawberry six days ago, and now we've already got blackberries! I'm in heaven!
But I'm also the kind of person who has to push their luck, so I ran to the plum tree.
And the long slim pepper plant? Oh what a day!!!

It is so exciting when there is something new to eat in the garden! Throw in some cukes and tomatoes and a couple tiny wild strawberries, and that's a decent harvest for a woman who only went out to get the mail.

There is a lot going on in the garden right now, so I took some pictures to share with you.

The bell pepper are turning colors (the yellow ones, at least. The red peppers are still stubbornly green, although they are huge).

We have a pumpkin on the vine! Yes, it's in the wild strawberry patch. There is no shame with pumpkins; they go wherever they want, if they're welcome or not.

The corn plants are putting on ears, and here I am forced to apologize to Tim, for saying that corn was a silly thing to grow. "There will never be enough ripe for all eight of us to eat at the same time," I said. At last count we had nine ears.

Here is something fun... I've read about re-growing scallions from the cut off ends one usually throws away, but it has never worked before. If at first you don't succeed... Gardening from garbage. Win!
But the thing I'm happiest about is something I had given up on. A couple weeks ago I sat here telling you I had lost hope for the artichokes, due to the effects of aphids and footballs. Well folks, never say never (I'm full of clichés today).

Look at that! A true survivor.
Hope everything is growing well in your garden!