There are only so many hours in the week, and the ones I get to spend in the garden are among my favorite. On average I spend a couple hours a day with my hands in the dirt (We won't talk about how my nails look...) and sometimes I even take pictures of what I'm doing. But somehow those pictures don't seem to be making it onto this blog. The length of time between my articles is getting ridiculous.

Would you look at the size of that radish!

We invited some friends to a dinner party and were able to put quite a few goodies from the verticle garden on the menu. Radishes with the hors d' oeuvres, cilantro in the salsa, lettuce leaves on the hamburgers, parsley in the watermelon salad. Rhubarb pie for dessert also. Yum!

Suffice to say that everything is growing well and I could probably bore you to tears with a detailed description of every plant in the garden. But I won't. Only the ones in the vertical garden.

Would you look at the size of that radish!
We got 57 radishes from the first planting. The last 6 or so were left to grow in the dirt a little too long, and got a bit woody, but otherwise they were beautiful and tasty. We planted new seeds as we pulled the plants out, so the second planting is already well under way. Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy one more harvest before it gets too warm.

We invited some friends to a dinner party and were able to put quite a few goodies from the verticle garden on the menu. Radishes with the hors d' oeuvres, cilantro in the salsa, lettuce leaves on the hamburgers, parsley in the watermelon salad. Rhubarb pie for dessert also. Yum!
But everything is not coming up roses. The basil was planted outside too early, and didn't survive the coldest May in Sweden in 150 years (ugh... It's true); and the spinach is also suffering. I think it gets too much sun. We harvested some for a quiche this evening, and half of the leaves had burn spots. Tomorrow we will find a shady spot somewhere to sow new seeds.

Best of all, I am inspiring others with my success! My colleague built a verticle garden after seeing my pictures, and some of my dinner guests were overheard discussing where they could create one in their backyard. Win!
Perhaps a verticle garden would work for you as well?