March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Or so the saying goes. This year it seems like March got it backwards. We had beautiful spring weather the first two weeks, which shouldn't get your hopes up in southern Sweden that winter is over, but it always does, making the weeks of rainstorms and snow flurries that follow a crushing disappointment.
But there hasn't been any frost, and things need to be planted in the garden even if it isn't the nicest weather in which to be outside. Here's how we've ended March:
The greenhouse is in full swing, with lots of things growing in its sheltered semi-warmth. We're storing the window boxes in there right now, which will later go on the fence for our verticle garden. We've planted spinach, parsley, radishes and two kinds of lettuce. The spinach and radishes have already sprouted!

And look what else has sprouted... The spinach I planted for our (failed) winter garden! Better late than never! And as luck would have it, it's growing where the cucumbers will later be planted, so it has a least another month to grow before we harvest it for an early spinach salad.

We also moved some of the jungle out of the house and into the greenhouse, including the tomato plants, artichokes, and physallis plants. So things are really looking green in there!

The garlic we planted last autumn is coming along. It got a nice head start and is getting quite tall.

We have cleaned up the main vegetable patch, adding four new boxes and increasing the size of the strawberry patch.

The new strawberry plants look pretty pathetic next to their elders, but they'll catch up!

Four boxes were filled with onion bulbs, three with yellow onions and one with red. This is twice as many as we planted last year, so hopefully we'll have onion braids hanging in the kitchen this autumn!

The first box hanging on the vertical garden is yeilding results. The chives don't seem to have any trouble adjusting to their new habitat. Might even be able to harvest some soon!

The rhubard is on the way! A sure sign that spring is here, even if the weather doesn't always co-operate!
How is your garden coming along?